Cosmetic Acupuncture / Aesthetic Acupuncture
Rejuvenate Your Skin with Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture, also known as Facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is a safe and effective non-surgical treatment designed to reduce the signs of aging. This treatment enhances the circulation of Qi and blood to the face, stimulating collagen production. The result is the elimination of lines and wrinkles, lifting of sagging skin, and reduction of bags under the eyes. Your skin will have a better tone and a healthy, glowing complexion. Even celebrities like Kim Kardashian have embraced the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture.
The Holistic Approach of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Beauty comes from within, making Aesthetic acupuncture an ideal therapy as it harmonises internal imbalances. This internal balance not only reduces the effects of aging but also ensures long-lasting results. Dave Shipsey incorporates any existing health issues into cosmetic acupuncture sessions, maximizing the benefits for each treatment.
Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation
- Improves Muscle Tone and Dermal Contraction: Enhances the firmness of your skin.
- Increases Collagen Production: Boosts collagen levels and improves its distribution.
- Reduces Bags Under Eyes and Sagging: Diminishes eye bags and decreases the tendency towards sagging and jowls.
- Eases Puffiness: Improves metabolism, helping to eliminate excess fluids.
- Eliminates Fine Lines: Reduces fine lines and diminishes larger wrinkles.
- Corrects Hormonal Balance: Improves hormonal acne.
- Moisturizes Skin: Increases local circulation of Qi, blood, and lymph to the face, enhancing skin hydration.
- Enhances Facial Color: Improves complexion through increased local circulation.
- Reduces Double Chins: Helps to eliminate or reduce double chins.
- Tightens Pores: Makes your skin look smoother.
- Brightens Eyes: Gives your eyes a more vibrant appearance.
- Lifts Drooping Eyes: Enhances the appearance of drooping eyes.
- Decreases Facial Stress: Reduces stress signs on the face.
- Promotes Overall Health and Well-Being: Supports your overall health.
- Benefits Eyes, Ears, Sinuses, Thyroid, and Brain: Improves the function and health of these organs.
Experience the transformative effects of cosmetic acupuncture and rejuvenate your skin from the inside out. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your session.