Dantien Acupuncture treats Depression & Anxiety

Dantien Acupuncture treats Depression & Anxiety

Dantien Acupuncture treats Depression & Anxiety

Up to 40% of the population experience depression at some stage in their lives, of these 20% experience clinical depression. Clinical depression symptoms often include low mood, insomnia, a change in appetite pessimism and suicidal thoughts. Dantien Acupuncture treats Depression and Anxiety very effectively at treating the root cause of depression and its symptoms such as lack of energy and anxiety. See this link for evidence based research into the benefits of acupuncture for treating depression. Anxiety effects approximately 20% of the population (this figure is likely to be greater as we are coming out of the pandemic). Anxiety can range from mild to panic attacks and also includes phobias.

In Chinese medicine each organ has a related emotion and the liver’s emotions are anger and depression. Often with depression / anxiety and even stress the liver energy becomes restricted or stagnant. Since the liver’s function involves ensuring the free flow of Qi in the body this can have various knock on effects such as digestive / menstrual problems, headaches etc. Acupuncture treatment aims to restore the free flow of the livers energy to resolve the various symptoms experienced by individuals who are feeling depressed. This can be achieved using acupuncture, herbs lifestyle and dietary changes. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy can also provide a great means of changing the impact of anxiety and /or depression. I can teach you simple methods to change these states, and can work with you to neutralise specific triggers for your anxiety or depression. There is an elevated level of anxiety currently as we emerge from the pandemic, at Dantien acupuncture we can help.

Around 40% of those suffering with Depression have digestive problems, I believe that both can be directly impacted by the condition of the Gut Microbiome and for this reason I feel that abdominal acupuncture has an advantage over many other systems, and it is a much gentler method of acupuncture too. Results can be seen within a number of treatments and a course of treatment usually depends on the length and severity of the condition.

Studies in the U.S. have shown that in the treatment of 33 seriously depressed women with acupuncture over 50% recovered. Research conducted in the states has concluded that acupuncture achieves comparable results to current western bio-medicine in the treatment of depression. Follow this link for more information about acupuncture for treating anxiety.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact me on 087-9618344 or email me at [email protected].