Treatments – End Insomnia Acupuncture is great for treating insomnia and the related symptoms so that your sleep and well-being improves. Treatment will look at your diagnosis and will treat…
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- Dave Shipsey
- Acupuncture Treatments
- acupuncture for bad sleep, acupuncture for better sleep, end insomnia, help me sleep, help with insomnia, help with insomnia treatments that Dantien Acupuncture provide, how acupuncture can treat insomnia, how dantien acupuncture can help with insomnia, insomnia, let me sleep, Sleep better, Sleep problems
Dave Shipsey
B.Sc(Hons)Grad Dip C.Ac., A.Ac Nanjing (China), Dip. Tuina Massage and Dip Buteyko Breathing. M.A.F.P.A. ,M.B.B.A.
Dave Shipsey is a registered acupuncturist with over twenty years in practice he has an honours degree in Biological Science (B.Sc.). He is an Author (“Mastering the Art of Abdominal Acupuncture, a concise guide to treating numerous painful conditions”)