What is abdominal acupuncture

What is abdominal acupuncture

What is abdominal acupuncture

Abdominal Acupuncture (Fu Zhen) is at the centre of your health

Abdominal acupuncture (AA) is a revolutionary new acupuncture technique, introduced into Ireland by Dave Shipsey. He is the author of the first English book on this subject “Mastering the Art of Abdominal Acupuncture”. He teaches this amazing system to acupuncturist’s throughout the world. AA has gained huge recognition because of its astonishing therapeutic results. It is very gentle, there is very little needle sensation, for this reason, most people prefer it to traditional acupuncture. It gives great results it can be used to treat any condition that traditional acupuncture treats (usually with a faster curative outcomes). Results are long-lasting and are often felt instantaneously hence abdominal is also known as the “miracle therapy”.

The abdomen is our second Brain

Our abdomen is our second brain it has the largest number of nerve cells next to the brain. As a result, it regulates our emotional well being as well as our overall health, and digestion. Thus AA can be a very effective way of losing weight, where there is an organic factor to weight increases. The gut microbiome regulates mood, sleep, learning, immunity, nervous & hormonal systems, and blood pressure. Abdominal, therefore, has far-reaching effects and also helps to relieve depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues. AA is invigorating energetically and improves sleep.

Advantages of abdominal acupuncture.

1) Usually, gives painless acupuncture.

2) More effective and fast-acting and can stop/ease the pain within moments of starting treatment.

3) Particularly good for treating elderly / children or immunocompromised including those suffering from cancer.

4) Especially powerful at treating acute and chronic painful conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Arthritis.

5)It is also very effective at treating fertility/menstrual problems.

6) Can treat a lot more in one session than conventional acupuncture.

7) Especially effective at treating Stroke rehabilitation and other neurological conditions such as Migraines.

8) Helps with weight loss

9) Improves mood and sleep.

What does abdominal acupuncture feel like?

It is an almost pain-free system of acupuncture. People often feel a general warm radiating feeling as tension and pain disappear.

Image of abdominal treatment
Abdominal treatment for all over back pain and headache

Abdominal acupuncture for all over backache and headache

In this relaxed state, you will drift off, or fall asleep you will be calm and relaxed for the rest of the day.

What conditions can abdominal acupuncture treat?

Abdominal can be used to treat all the disorders that traditional acupuncture treats (see WHO list) It is particularly effective with Muscular Skeletal problems such as backache, sciatica, disc prolapse, neck pain, frozen shoulder, R.S.I  tendinitis & Rheumatoid arthritis. Neurological disorders including stroke, Neuropathy, and trapped nerves. Disturbances of the nervous system such as anxiety, depression, stress, headaches dizziness and many more. Abdominal Acupuncture is especially effective for treating all kinds of digestive disorders including, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s disease.
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