What is Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a key element of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is considered one of the oldest and most widely used medical practices globally. Rooted in ancient healing traditions, it continues to evolve and remains relevant in modern healthcare. Unlike conventional treatments that often address only symptoms, acupuncture focuses on treating the root cause of the disease, leading to longer-lasting results. The procedure involves inserting tiny, sterile needles (typically 0.20 – 0.25mm in diameter 1/30th the diameter of a hypodermic needle used by a Doctor) into specific points across the body to stimulate healing. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes over 120 conditions that respond positively to it.

Various acupuncture styles exist, including Traditional, auricular (ear), scalp, Distal, Motor point, and abdominal acupuncture. Additionally, techniques like Dr. Tan’s Balance Method and Master Tung’s method offer unique diagnostic approaches to create personalised treatment plans. With such a diverse range of systems, acupuncture can provide exceptional therapeutic outcomes. Qualified acupuncturist, Author, Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner Dave Shipsey is registered with the AFPA, ensuring professional and safe treatments.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

It works by enhancing the body’s natural healing mechanisms. It improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, and relieves muscle spasms. These effects allow the body to repair damaged cells, tissues, and organs, while also promoting the circulation of nutrients to nourish and replenish injured muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints. It also triggers the release of endorphins—natural pain relievers—along with other cellular messengers that aid in the body’s repair process.

By regulating various bodily systems—including hormonal, blood, nervous, and regulatory systems—acupuncture can address a wide range of issues, including musculoskeletal problems, digestive disorders, metabolic concerns, immune system imbalances, emotional stress, and reproductive challenges. It is a safe and effective treatment, with virtually no side effects, making it ideal even during pregnancy.

Benefits of Acupuncture

•Improved overall health and well-being

•Relief from pain and elimination of symptoms

•Stress reduction and enhanced relaxation

•Better sleep and increased energy

•Enhanced digestion and weight management

•Strengthened immune function

•Increased fertility for both men and women

•Support for emotional well-being and recovery from injuries

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