Eat, Fast & Die Older

A recent BBC horizon programme showed how intermittant Fasting can increase our lifespans and improve our quality of life. The Chinese and Japanese have up to recent times benefitted from similar healthy diets and lived longer and were exposed to fewer types of cancer.

Research in the States has been looking at various ways of restricting calorific intake to increase longevity. The science behind all the different methods used;
1) Daily restricted calorific diet
2) 4 consecutive days fasting each month. (Black tea and one Miso soup with 25 cals allowed each day)
3) Alternate day calorific restriction to 25% of normal
4) 5:2 Reduced calorific diet (2 consecutive days on approximately 600 calories for males or 500 cals for females)

All these diets showed a reduction in IGF 1 (Insulin like Growth Factor 1), unhealthy cholesterol (LDL’s) and glucose levels.

The Science
Research on Mice has shown that reduction in the levels of IGF 1 leads to the body slowing down metabolically and an improvement in cell repair mechanisms. Cells repair rather than renewing which leads to longevity and reduced rates of cancer. Mice on a restricted diets tend to live 40% longer and are much less likely to develope age related dementia and alzheimer’s.
On a restricted diet the brain needs to stay in the best possible condition to avail of the reduced food supplies and so it develops new brain cells and better neurone connections. An analogy used is that calorific restriction gives the “Grey Matter” similar stress as muscles experience from a vigorous work out in the gym.
High levels of protein seem to encourage high levels of IGF 1 and so less protein and from better, plant sources is also important to get the enhanced life expectancy and quality of life.
Research on Humans over the last 10 years has shown that the levels of these vital markers (IGF 1, LDL Cholesterol and Glucose) in blood tests reduce to very healthy levels, ensuring that the chances of experiencing, any of the following are reduced to 1 in 1,000,000
 1) Stroke
    2) Myocardial Infarction
    3) Cardiac Disease
    4) Type 2 Diabetes
    5) 7 types of cancer (including Colon, Bowel and Prostate)

other benefits include reduced risk of dementia, and other age related brain disorders, and reduced blood pressure and the various complications that it can result in.

In a Nutshell (low calorie!)

The benefits of regular fasting are huge and almost completely rule out the chances of dying from the top age and diet related diseases in the world. Horizon’s presenter Michael Molsley says “I found that I could get through my fast days best if I had a light breakfast (scrambled eggs, thin slice of ham, lots of black tea, adding up to about 300 calories), lots of water and herbal tea during the day, then a light dinner (grilled fish with lots of vegetables) at night.He was so impressed with the results he got after only 5 weeks, that he is going to stay on this Fasting regime.
I intend to start today, so watch this space!!!!

Please get advice from your GP before starting a Fasting diet.

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